S3 Game
Introduction The best way to learn a skill is through deliberate practice! S3 Game is an awesome game made by Vasily Pantyukhin which walks you through various features of S3 from beginner to fairly advanced. What you will need: A browser aws cli CLICK HERE TO PLAY! Each level consists of finding a “treasure” object and getting to the next level using the secret code in the “treasure”. Go ahead and play this game. Each level contains multiple hints with links to S3 API documentation. Below is a walk through you can refer to if you are stuck on any level. Make sure that you try for a bit before seeing here :) Walk through (Spoilers) See the solution Level 1 Solution: # List the objects in bucket aws s3 ls s3://s3game-level1 Visit the treasure object Level 2 Solution: Just get the treasure2 object either using browser or aws s3 : https://s3game-level2.s3.us-east-2.amazonaws.com/treasure2 Make sure to save the Access and Secret key somewhere Level 3 Create an AWS profile “tmp” with the access and secret key obtained from previous level. You will need to use this for almost every level from here on. ...