Here’s a snippet I use in my .bashrc
file to quickly write down and review TILs (Today I learned):
til ()
# checks if the function has been called without any argument
if [[ -z $1 ]]; then
# opens the file in my editor, setting the cursor to the last line
# useful to review latest entries or to write a longer entry
vim + "$TIL_FILE";
# adds a line with today's date, a TAB and all arguments supplied ("$@")
echo -e "- $( date '+%F' ):\t$@" >> "$TIL_FILE";
How to use:
to open the file. I use this to review what I learned today or if I need to write a longer, multiline entrytil CONTENT
to append a line to the file- e.g
til grep --line-buffered to immediately print especially when tailing files
will add this:- 2020-05-23: grep --line-buffered to immediately print especially when tailing files
- e.g
Explanation on the function
In case you missed the comments in the function, here’s an explanation of what the various lines do:
if [[ -z $1 ]];
checks if the function has been called without any argumentsvim + "$TIL_FILE"
opens the file in vim (my preferred editor), setting the cursor to the last line of the file.echo -e "- $tdate:\t$@" >> "$TIL_FILE";
adds a line with today’s date, a TAB and all arguments supplied ("$@") totil